IViR frequently organizes lectures where we invite scholars to talk about their research.
Below an overview of the lectures from 2021 on. These lectures are usually held on Friday afternoons and are open to attend either in person or online. Please sign up to our newsletter on the bottom of this page to get notifications for upcoming lectures or events.
- The UK copyright law’s approach to issues generated by AI by Estelle Derclaye on 6 February 2025.
- Reimagining Local Media Infrastructures: Non-Reformist Media Reforms to Better Serve Democratic Needs by Victor Pickard on 18 December 2024;
- Intellectual Monopoly amid the AI and Cloud Age by Cecilia Rikap on 22 November 2024;
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection, a view from the European Data Protection Supervisor by Leonardo Cervera Navas on 18 October 2024;
- Freedom of speech on platforms: Lessons to be learned from copyright law by Benjamin Raue on 28 June 2024;
- Big Speech by Kate Klonick on 31 May 2024;
- Generative Crimes by Eldar Haber on 26 April 2024;
- The Quantum Age by Chris Hoofnagle on 19 April 2024 (Lunch lecture);
- Governing AI’s Intermediaries by Michael Veale on 15 March 2024;
- Managing Visibility in Online Platforms: Transparency and Accountability after the DSA by Ben Wagner on 2 February 2024.
- Should we decentralise the oversight of AI? by Linnet Taylor on 15 December 2023;
- Regulating Big Tech expansionism? Sphere transgressions and the limits of Europe’s digital regulatory strategy by Tamar Sharon on 24 November 2023;
- Biometrics and the Registration and Authentication of Voters: Is there a Global Trend? by Colin Bennett on 23 June 2023;
- Leveraging the EU Charter of fundamental rights in digital rights strategic litigation by Alexandra Giannopoulou on 2 June 2023;
- Regulating Artificial Innovation and Information: Is IP Law Up to the Task?, Distinguished IViR Lecture by Daniel Gervais on 16 May 2023;
- Informational Capitalism, Digital Infrastructures and Information Society Governance by Julie Cohen on 21 April 2023;
- Regulation for a More Democratic Internet: Lessons from Communications Regulation & Antitrust Law by Dwayne Winseck on 3 February 2023.
- Platform Effects: How Algorithmic Intermediaries Shape Attention to News by Nick Diakopoulos on 9 December 2022;
- Access to Medicine During Pandemics: Is Compulsory Licensing the Answer? by Sapna Kumar on 11 October 2022;
- Effective AI regulation in the face of global interdependence by Daniel Mugge on 9 September 2022;
- Information Policies of the Coronavirus Crisis by Ádám Földes on 3 June 2022;
- Towards a fair balance in the digitised music industry: setting the tone by Jozefien Vanherpe on 31 May 2022;
- The Influencer Republic: Monetizing Political Speech on Social Media by Catalina Goanta & Giovanni De Gregorio on 29 April 2022;
- (Ir)Responsible Legislature? Speech Risks under the EU’s Rules on Delegated Digital Enforcement by Martin Husovec on 25 March 2022;
- Empathy in Digital Government by Sofia Ranchordás on 4 February 2022.
- Towards Platform Observability by Jeanette Hofmann and Bernhard Rieder on 28 May 2021;
- Copyright Law 2030 – A memorandum on the future of the creative ecosystem in Europe by Michael Grünberger on 30 April 2021;
- Regulating Digital Gatekeepers by Rupprecht Podszun on 25 June 2021;
- “Infrastructuring” Digital Sovereignty? by Francesca Musiani on 29 October 2021;
- Research Exceptions in Comparative Copyright by Sean Flynn on 4 November 2021;
- How to regulate AI? by Mireille Hildebrandt on 26 November 2021.