13 October, 2021Personal data ordering in context: the interaction of meso-level data governance regimes with macro frameworks
1 October, 2021The Siren Song of the Subtle Copycat – Revisiting Trademark Law with Insights from Consumer Research
28 September, 2021A Proposal to leverage Article 17 to build a public repository of Public Domain and openly licensed works
22 September, 2021Are we human, or are we users? The role of natural language processing in human-centric news recommenders that nudge users to diverse content
21 September, 2021De reikwijdte van artikel 17 DSM-richtlijn in het licht van het verbod op algemene toezichtverplichtingen: een Odyssee
13 September, 2021Conditions for technological solutions in a COVID-19 exit strategy, with particular focus on the legal and societal conditions
26 August, 2021Towards Unfair Political Practices Law: Learning lessons from the regulation of unfair commercial practices for online political advertising