14 November, 2024Between the cracks: Blind spots in regulating media concentration and platform dependence in the EU
24 October, 2024The Right to an Explanation in Practice: Insights from Case Law for the GDPR and the AI Act
8 October, 2024The Unproductive “Overconstitutionalization” of EU Copyright and Trademark Law – Fundamental Rights Rhetoric and Reality in CJEU Jurisprudence
13 September, 2024Explaining and Contesting Judicial Profiling Systems: Beyond a Procedural Right to an Explanation
23 July, 2024Opinion of the European Copyright Society on Certain Selected Aspects of Case C-227/23, Kwantum Nederland and Kwantum België
11 July, 2024Contesting personalized recommender systems: a cross-country analysis of user preferences