27 October, 2020Copyright and mass social authorship: a case study of the making of the Oxford English dictionary
23 October, 2020European Court of Human Rights rules that collateral website blocking violates freedom of expression
23 October, 2020Annotatie bij HvJ EU 29 juli 2019, C-469/17 (Funke), C-516/17 (Spiegel) & C-4476/17 (Pelham)
13 October, 2020Data Protection or Data Frustration? Individual perceptions and attitudes towards the GDPR
2 October, 2020Personal Data Transfers in International Trade and EU Law: A Tale of Two ‘Necessities’
1 October, 2020De kunstmatige maker: over de gevolgen van het Endstra-arrest voor de bescherming van artificiële creaties
29 September, 2020How to License Article 17? Exploring the Implementation Options for the New EU Rules on Content-Sharing Platforms
15 September, 2020Macro and Exogenous Factors in Computational Advertising: Key Issues and New Research Directions