7 May, 2015Merely Facilitating or Actively Stimulating Diverse Media Choices? Public Service Media at the Crossroad
24 April, 2015Do privacy and data protection rules apply to legal persons and should they? A proposal for a two-tiered system
24 April, 2015Hacktivism 1-2-3: how privacy enhancing technologies change the face of anonymous hacktivism
24 April, 2015De ongeldigverklaring van de Dataretentierichtlijn: een nieuwe stap in de bescherming van de grondrechten door het Hof van Justitie
24 April, 2015How to assess privacy violations in the age of Big Data? Analysing the three different tests developed by the ECtHR and adding for a fourth one
17 April, 2015The (Non) Convergence of Copyright Policies – A Quantitative Approach to Convergence in Copyright
17 April, 2015Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 8 april 2014 (Digital Rights Ireland / Ierse Ministers en Attorney General)