16 April, 2024Opinion of the European Copyright Society on certain selected aspects of Case C-227/23, Kwantum Nederland and Kwantum België
12 July, 2022The Right to Lodge a Data Protection Complaint: Ok, But Then What? An empirical study of current practices under the GDPR
3 February, 2021AI Regulation in the European Union and Trade Law: How can accountability of AI and a high level of consumer protection prevail over a trade law discipline on source code?, study commissioned by the Vzbv, Amsterdam: Institute for Information Law, 2021
2 August, 2018A minha fonte sou eu – Meine Quelle bin ich. Soziale Medien als Diskurserweiterung am Beispiel der Aufarbeitung der Militärdiktatur und der Diskussion über die Einrichtung einer Wahrheitskommission in brasilianischen Printmedien und auf Twitter
5 July, 2018The independence and functioning of the regulatory authority for electronic media in Serbia, Study commissioned by the Council of Europe, Amsterdam/Brussels/Budapest/Belgrade, 2017.
24 November, 2017The Japan EU Economic Partnership Agreement: Flows of Personal Data to the Land of the Rising Sun